As a Mime Artist and a Bikram Yoga Instructor, I have blended the two forms of motion for many years as a performer and teacher. And it has evolved into the YOGA of MIME.
YOGA of MIME is a system of techniques for reaching your ultimate Yoga postures merges with Mime Techniques to offer more benefits. Non-verbal communication enhances the expression and connection of your body, mind, and spirit. Great support for actors, business executives, parents, teachers, and children.

Click here —>   #0012 – The Yoga of Mime with Janet Carafa

 YOGA of MIME    –   Touching the Invisible
Yoga Postures merge with Mime Techniques to offer amazing health benefits .  Inclusive of all dimensions –you will open your sensory awareness  and connect  your inner body, your outer world , your emotions, spirit,  and your mind with the physics of the universe .  Your ultimate expression is opened as you sense the interconnected flow of energy.
As you share your visions, you clarify them as well as make them manifest.
Yoga of Mime offers Non-verbal communication skills that support actors, business executives, parents & teachers.
It offers specific techniques on how to Expand your mind, body, emotions, spirit, your relationship with others
and your relationship to our planet.
Enhance the quality of your senses.


Traditional Yoga postures create an inner massage and optimize the inner organs, flow of blood,    muscular coordination and energy while encouraging you to focus inward.   Yoga of Mime  focuses outward to include our relationship to the world around us, other people,  emotions, and all the senses while staying centered and in touch inwardly.    Yoga of Mime encourages you to touch and see space, embrace and express your emotions, and look into the eyes of others.  Yoga of Mime is ultimate integration and awareness of your  body, mind, spirit in full expression and with grace.
With  Yoga of Mime  techniques, you will clarify your intentions and express them with all aspects of your being –  physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, interacting with others, in synchronicity with the physics of the universe and with eyes wide open .
Total expression on all levels is a sure fire and graceful manifestation technique. 

Elements of Yoga of Mime:
* Alignment of the body in relationship to energy flow and flexibility
* Transform Time with slow motion or fast motion
* Expression and transformation of Emotions
* Create illusions in space
* Awareness of our bodies relative to space around us including the sky
* Awareness of our bodies relative to objects around us including the Earth
* Exchanging expression with others through eye contact and physical expression
* Touch and feel space and mold thoughts into visible expression
Enjoy and embrace total expression !  

Traditional Yoga postures create an inner massage and optimize the inner organs, flow of blood,muscular coordination and energy while encouraging you to focus inward.   Yoga of Mime  focuses outward to include our relationship to the world around us, other people,  emotions, and all the senses while staying centered inwardly.    Yoga of Mime encourages you to touch and see space, express your emotions, be all characters, and look into the eyes of others.  We use our
bodies, minds, emotions; We interact with others and the objects around us.  With Yoga of Mime  you will visualize your intentions and express them  — which is a powerful manifestation technique. 

Enjoy and embrace total expression!

 YOGA OF MIME is yoga extended from the inner world to the outer world.