Welcome to Art of Mime with Janet

I would like to share some of the wonderful experiences I have had performing as a mime artist along with the amazing people that I have spent time with exploring the Art of Mime.

I am very fortunate to have been taught and  directed by

Marcel Marceau

Marcel Marceau was not only world-renowned but such a giving teacher and director with endless energy and passion for the art form. He so generously offered his mastery; expressing shifts of emotion and character, quality of movement, and a flying spirit that touches hearts and embraced the world audience. He is missed dearly.

My foremost director and performance experience has been with

Paul J. Curtis, Director of The American Mime Theatre

My ongoing studies at The American Mime Theatre developed into 12 years as the lead female company member. We mainly performed at Lincoln Center and MOMA.
The American Mime Theatre was founded in 1952 by Paul J. Curtis (August 29, 1927– April 28, 2012) Paul is missed by thousands of students and audiences throughout the world, who he moved deeply with his teaching and performances… Paul J. Curtis, my foremost director, and dear friend was a man who lived moment to moment with the unwavering uncompromising untamed deepness of heart.For more detailed information visit:


Dear Janet,

I just listened to your wondrous creation and audio book, Silent Fortune.

I loved it! Everything about it was an expression of so much light and wonder; it transported me to a place/ space of beauty, awe, and creativity. As I listened, the narrative became real and alive in my mind, happening in and around me; I enjoyed the touching story of Phil, the clumsy lion, who wanted to learn the Tango, the mesmerizing colors of the mime cloud home, and so much more. It was a magical, delightful, loving, adorable adventure; words barely describe this short, fantastical, magically expansive tale. The entire expression is a song that springs from the depths of silence to envelop and transform anyone who listens to it.

This should be heard by children, everywhere, as well as elderly beings at the end of their lives, along with everyone in between. Silent Fortune opens a portal into a loving and grace filled universe that is a healing balm to many a tattered soul.

Jeremy’s narration, Amy’s backup supporting voice, your singing … all of it weaves such a beautiful tapestry. Best to listen to this with a quiet mind to access the treasures of joy and happiness waiting to be discovered within one’s very own self.

In great appreciation of your gift,

Richard Diamond

Richard Diamond Heart Beat of Kauai

Art of Mime

Janet Carafa